25 Beautiful Rare Flowers From Around The World (With Pictures) (2024)

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Nothing beats the beauty of ethereal flowers coming to full bloom in the spring. Not only do flowers improve the aesthetic of a place, but they appeal to a variety of our senses too. While their visual appeal is the most common factor, even their sweet fragrance has a calming effect on our senses.

There are some flowers all of us have heard of – lilies, daisies, roses, etc. However, there’s a whole other dimension of flowers that are so rare, that they deserve special mentions.

Table of Contents

Why Are Some Flowers so Rare?

Some plants are rare just because they are that way. It may be considered a mystery as to why they bloom less or nature has produced them the way they are. In this case, being rare does not imply that the plants are on the verge of extinction or are endangered.

In fact, no intervention is required if their environment is protected and they continue to spawn in the wild. However, all botanists believe that rare plants and blooms are more vulnerable to extinction than widespread species.

On the other side, some flowers may have been plentiful in their heyday but are now rare. Why? Once-common flowers or plants are becoming rare due to various interrelated circ*mstances.

  • Loss of habitat
  • Deforestation
  • The change in suitable climate
  • Collection of human uses
  • Introduction of competitors
  • Diseases
  • Loss of pollinators, etc.

Note: Did you know that rarity increases the risk of annihilation? This is because rare plants have smaller populations and are less equipped to rebound from unforeseen disasters that wipe out species or entire communities. “Stochastic risk” is the name given to this type of danger.

Beautiful Rare Flowers From Around The World

If you’re an anthophile (a person who loves flowers), look no further than this round-up. We have gathered information for gardening enthusiasts on 25 of the most beautiful and rare flowers from around the world. Fortunately, some of them can even be grown in your front yard, on the window-pane, or indoor mini-garden!

1. Middlemist Camellia Red Flower

25 Beautiful Rare Flowers From Around The World (With Pictures) (1)
Plant TypeEvergreen perennial shrubs
Size6 foot tall and 4 wide
Conservation Status Extinct in the wild
Can You Grow It?Theoretically, yes
Why is Considered Rare?These flowers are found only in the UK and New Zealand.

Considered to be one of the rarest flowers in the world, Middlemist Camellia flowers are only found in two places on the globe. Namely, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. In fact, they are so rare that there are only two known samples of this flower.

However, while the name suggests the color of the flower to be red, they have an alluring, bright pink hue. Even better, the flower has a striking resemblance to roses, such that, if someone is not educated about flowers, they might even get confused by its appearance.

Not only do these flowers have an attractive appearance, but multiple health benefits too. They are said to have amazing antioxidants and miraculous age delaying properties. One may even call it the most valuable flower to ever exist.

2.Youtan Puolo (Udambara Flower)

25 Beautiful Rare Flowers From Around The World (With Pictures) (2)
Plant TypeParasitic perennial
Size1 mm in diameter
Conservation Status Least concerned
OriginAustralia and tropical Asia
Can You Grow It?Although the plant can be grown, it is unlikely that the blossoms will appear.
Why is Considered Rare?Assumed to bloom every 3000 years.

While it is still widely debated whether this would fall under the rare flowers, we cannot deny that it does hold some mystical properties. Said to blossom only once in 3000 years, these flowers have a fragrance matching that of sandalwood, strong enough to fill a room.

The most distinct feature of this flower is its ability to grow anywhere, out of nothing. Unlike all flowers that need a seed to grow from, Youtan Puolo can grow on cars, wood, etc, that too without seeds, water, or soil.

This diaphanous flower has a symbolic meaning in Buddhism, as suggested by its name. To explain, the Sanskrit word “Udambara” means an auspicious flower derived straight from heaven. There have even been mentions of this flower in ancient Buddhist scriptures, adding to its’ spiritual value.

Thus, the next time you see tiny tulip-like structures growing on your furniture, you best believe that Lord Buddha has graced your home.

3. Juliet Rose

25 Beautiful Rare Flowers From Around The World (With Pictures) (3)
Plant TypeShrub
Size1.25 cm- 17.5 cm
Conservation Status Least concerned
OriginThe UK
Can You Grow It?Yes
Why is Considered Rare?The flower blooms every 15 years

When we talk about rare flowers, it is no surprise that a few of them might even fall under the “most expensive” category. The Juliet rose is one such flower. Widely known as the most expensive rose in the world, this flower can cost anywhere between $3 million to $5 million.

Conversely, it is not the beauty of this flower that makes it so expensive, but the amount of time and money that was taken to create it. A famous rose breeder named David Austin spent $3 million and 15 years to create this peach-pink-hued rose.

All this exclusivity and hard work might make you conclude that this flower is high-maintenance. But, we’re here to prove that wrong! It can adapt to all soil types, and only requires a lot of sunlight, making the Juliet rose rather low-maintenance.

4. Kadupul Flower

25 Beautiful Rare Flowers From Around The World (With Pictures) (4)
Plant TypeCactus
Size12 inches long and 6.6 inches broad
Conservation Status Least concerned
OriginSri Lanka. But also found in India, Australia, and South American countries.
Can You Grow It?Yes
Why is Considered Rare?Because of the short amount of time the flower blooms for.

If a $5 million price tag on a flower stuns you, brace yourself for an even bigger shock. The Kadulpul flower is so rare that it is listed as priceless, making it out of reach to even buy.

Its value arises from the fact that this flower perishes a few hours after blooming. Moreover, they’re really tough to spot, since they bloom at dawn, and have already perished by the morning. This short lifespan has made it impossible to bring the flower to markets, thus characterizing it as a flower that cannot be bought.

Not to mention, while this flower blooms for little time, it takes almost a year for it to reach full bloom. Thus, only adding to the exclusivity of the flower. But none of these factors stop you from being there to absorb the beauty of the flower in bloom, even if it is transient.

5. Parrot’s Beak

25 Beautiful Rare Flowers From Around The World (With Pictures) (5)
Plant TypeEvergreen prostrate shrub
SizeUp to 5 feet in spread
Conservation Status Extinct in wild
OriginThe Canary Islands
Can You Grow It?Yes
Why is Considered Rare?Very difficult to bloom.
Limited habitat.

As the name suggests, this flower matches the beak of a parrot in appearance. It has an orangish-crimson hue and a lobster-claw-shaped aesthetic.

Despite its exoticness, the parrot’s beak can easily be grown in your backyard. All that is needed are warm temperatures, ample sunlight, and regular watering. Usually, it is cultivated using stem cuttings, and grown indoors, in pots.

If you live in colder temperatures, you can invest in aDIY greenhouse, and grow this exotic plant and many more without restrictions.

6. Ghost Orchid

25 Beautiful Rare Flowers From Around The World (With Pictures) (6)
Plant TypePerennial epiphyte
Size3–4 cm wide and 7–9 cm long
Conservation Status Endangered
OriginFlorida, the Bahamas, and Cuba
Can You Grow It?No
Why is Considered Rare?Hard to grow.
Limited habitat.

Ghost orchids are stunning white flowers that are found only in Cuba and the flooded parts of South Florida. They get their name stemming from the fact that they seem to float in the forest. To explain why this happens, ghost orchids have no foliage and thin roots connecting them to the trees they grow on. These roots tend to camouflage with the forest, making it seem like the flowers are floating.

It is because of this rarity that these flowers are actively hunted by poachers in the wild. Even though these are extremely tough to find, some poachers may risk their lives looking for them. Primarily because ghost orchids have a high price in the black market.

Although, like most rare flowers, ghost orchids cannot survive for too long once removed from their habitat. Therefore, you cannot cultivate them in your own home. The best way to enjoy their beauty is in their natural habitat, the woods.

7. Shenzhen Nongke Orchid

25 Beautiful Rare Flowers From Around The World (With Pictures) (7)
Plant TypePerennial
Conservation Status Not available in nature, but man-made.
Can You Grow It?Yes, but it is very expensive.
Why is Considered Rare?The orchid blooms only once in 4-5 years and is man-made.

This is another one of the rare flowers that match its uniqueness with its price. Developed in 8 years, this flower is completely man-made. To add to its distinctiveness, this orchid blooms only once in 4-5 years.

It is so treasured that a bidder paid $200,000 for this orchid at an auction in 2005. Its price stems from how rare the cultivar of this flower is, as illustrated by the beautiful hues of green and purple this breath-taking beauty adorns.

8. Franklin Tree

25 Beautiful Rare Flowers From Around The World (With Pictures) (8)
Plant TypeShrub
Size3 inches wide
Conservation Status Extinct in the wild
OriginAltahama River Valley, Georgia, USA. But now, found across the world.
Can You Grow It?Yes
Why is Considered Rare?Only species Of the Franklinia Genus

Known to grow on single-branched trees, this flower has been extinct in the wild since the early 1800s. Thus, all Franklin tree flowers that exist today are due to ex-situ conservation efforts by botanical gardens around the world. Contrastingly, these flowers are easy to grow. Their only requirements beingsoil with good drainage, full to partial sunlight, and regular watering.

These flowers have beautiful, white symmetrical petals and a sweet, honeysuckle-like scent. Additionally, the leaves of this plant turn into a delightful shade of red in the fall, giving this plant immense ornamental value.

The only problem it poses is with transplantation. The franklin tree has a complex and sensitive root system, making it difficult to transplant without damaging the plant.

9. Cooke’s Kokio

25 Beautiful Rare Flowers From Around The World (With Pictures) (9)
Plant TypeDeciduous
Size10.16 cm in diameter
Conservation Status Extinct in the wild
OriginMoloka’i, Hawaii, USA
Can You Grow It?No
Why is Considered Rare?Only 23 grafted plants of this species currently exist.

Considered to be one of the most endangered and rare flowers in the world, Cooke’s Kokio is only found in some parts of Hawaii. Approximately 23 grafted plants of this species currently exist, found in cultivation. The reason for the loss of this flower was the deprivation of its native habitat due to a forest fire. Not only was its habitat lost, but most of the flowers got burned down too.

These deciduous trees cannot be grown in your backyard because of their specific growing requirements. They’re also extinct in the wild. Thus, if you want to see these beautiful crimson flowers, you will have to visit one of the out-planting sites in Hawaii where they grow.

10. Rothschild’s Slipper Orchid

25 Beautiful Rare Flowers From Around The World (With Pictures) (10)
Plant TypePerennial evergreen
Size1-foot tall
Conservation Status Critically endangered
OriginKinabalu National Park, Malaysia, and Borneo.
Can You Grow It?Yes
Why is Considered Rare?It takes 15 years to bloom.

Said to fetch as much as $5000 per stem in the black market, this flower is so rare that it is protected by the Malaysian government. It is native to the Kinabalu National Park in Malaysia and is illegal to pick. However, it’s this uniqueness of the flower that makes it prone to getting picked by smugglers, making it endangered.

One main reason these flowers are rare is that they take 15 years to bloom. Of course, they are outstandingly beautiful, as attested by their yellow-black sleek petals, making them even more exotic.

Ultimately, it stays true to its title- “Aristocrat of the slipper orchids”.

11. Chocolate Cosmos

25 Beautiful Rare Flowers From Around The World (With Pictures) (11)
Plant TypeHerbaceous perennial
Size2 to 3 feet tall
Conservation Status Extinct in the wild
Can You Grow It?Yes, if a specimen is found.
Why is Considered Rare?The plant cannot grow from seeds.

Much as the name explains, chocolate cosmos has a rich, chocolate fragrance as opposed to the floral scent most flowers have. It has remarkable reddish-brown petals and a velvety texture. Their description is so similar to chocolates, one might as well believe we are describing chocolates!

While these plants are extinct in the wild, you can grow them insmall containersor in your backyard with minimal effort. Just make sure to give it enough sunlight, nutrient-rich soil, and a moderate amount of water. And soon you’ll have a backyard smelling like cocoa and vanilla!

12. Night Blooming Cereus

25 Beautiful Rare Flowers From Around The World (With Pictures) (12)
Plant TypeCactus
Size6.5″ to 8.5″ in length and up to 15″ in width
Conservation Status N/A
OriginSubtropics of the Southwest United States, the Antilles, and Central and South America.
Can You Grow It?Yes
Why is Considered Rare?The flower blooms once a year.

The night-blooming cereus, also called “Queen of the Night” and “Princess of the Night”, is a rare desert flower that blooms only once a year, at night. Thus, even though this flower is astonishing to look at, it’s the exquisiteness of its bloom that makes it rare.

It has elongated white petals and belongs to the cactus family. But, unlike most cacti, this plant doesn’t have thorns. It has beautiful long leaves instead. And, a perfume strong enough to spread in your house, when it blooms.

The functioning of this flower is almost magical. It blooms once a year, fills your house up with an intense scent, and wilts as the first ray of sun touches it.

Fortunately, this is one of the rare flowers you can grow at home. Just get a pot,fertilizer(check these noteworthy ones out), and an area with enough sunlight to get started!

13. Jade Vine

25 Beautiful Rare Flowers From Around The World (With Pictures) (13)
Plant TypeLeguminous perennial liana
SizeUp to 18 feet tall
Conservation Status Endangered
OriginThe Philippines and Maui
Can You Grow It?Yes, but difficult
Why is Considered Rare?Deforestation

Native to the forests of the Philippines, these flowers have become rare due to extensive deforestation. The Jade Vine, as the name suggests, has a remarkable greenish-blue hue, which is not common among flowers.

They almost form a necklace-like structure with their claw-shaped flowers and are magnificent to look at. It’s these properties that make this flower a popular ingredient in lei-making. What’s shocking is that this magnificent plant belongs to the peas and beans family.

Not to mention, these flowers have a luminescent look at twilight, making bats their main pollinators. At the same time, it is difficult to propagate these flowers, leading them to become even more endangered.

14. Gibraltar Campion

25 Beautiful Rare Flowers From Around The World (With Pictures) (14)
Plant TypeWoody perennial
Size15 inches tall
Conservation Status Critically endangered
Legally protected
OriginLondon- Rock of Gibraltar
Can You Grow It?In theory, yes.
Why is Considered Rare?Very limited habitat

This flower is distinct because of its backstory, more than it is because of its appearance or availability. Known to have gone extinct in 1992, these flowers surprised botanists around the United Kingdom when they were found growing on a cliff in Gibraltar. Thus, also explaining the derivation of its name.

However, they remain rare and are only found in London and of course, Gibraltar.

15. Monkey Orchid

25 Beautiful Rare Flowers From Around The World (With Pictures) (15)
Plant TypeEpiphytic orchid
Size15-30cm tall
Conservation Status Vulnerable and near-threatened.
OriginSouth-eastern Ecuador
Can You Grow It?Yes, if proper care is taken.
Why is Considered Rare?Destruction of habitat.

Just as the name suggests, this flower seems to resemble the face of a capuchin monkey. They’re native to South-eastern Ecuador and grow at altitudes approximating 2,000 meters.

It is not just the appearance that makes these flowers appealing, but their fragrance too. They smell like ripe oranges when in full bloom. And the best part is, they can bloom during any season and any time.

The uniqueness of this flower might make you believe that it’s impossible to grow at home. In contrast, these flowers can be grown in your backyard, provided you take special care of them.

16. Happy Alien

25 Beautiful Rare Flowers From Around The World (With Pictures) (16)
Plant TypePerennial
Size2 inches tall
Conservation Status Vulnerable
OriginSouth America
Can You Grow It?No
Why is Considered Rare?Habitat loss.
Climate change

One of the most unique-looking flowers, the happy alien plant is native to South America. It resembles a happy-faced alien holding an empty white tray in its hands. This flower is even called Darwin’s Slipping Flower, based on the fact that it was first discovered by Charles Darwin around 1831. Thus, giving this flower not just a unique appearance, but a historic backstory too!

They grow on rocks because of their short roots and do not grow more than 4 inches. Additionally, they are pollinated by hummingbirds, through the white tray-like structure.

17. Sea Daffodil

25 Beautiful Rare Flowers From Around The World (With Pictures) (17)
Plant TypeBulbous perennial
Size1 foot tall with large and showy flowers.
Conservation Status Endangered
OriginMediterranean beaches
Can You Grow It?Yes. But these flowers are protected from being plucked in most regions.
Why is Considered Rare?Habitat destruction.

The sea daffodil is a Mediterranean marvel, and for good reason. It was originally found in the Mediterranean region and has adapted itself to survive the harshest weather conditions, which most flowers cannot. This may seem surprising considering how dainty the flowers look.

They have delicate blue-grey leaves, a frilly appearance, and an elongated green stem. But, these flower bulbs are known to be poisonous. This gives you good reason to stay away from the plant, other than the fact that it is classified as an endangered and protected plant.

If this plant has your attention, you will be happy to know you can plant it in your home too. All that you need to do is to impersonate the natural habitat of the flower. Fortunately, that is an easy task if you live in a sunny place. Buy some seeds, get a pot, fill it with sand, and you have the perfect setup for growing sea daffodils!

18. Black Bat Flower

25 Beautiful Rare Flowers From Around The World (With Pictures) (18)
Plant TypeHerbaceous perennial
Size36 inches tall, 12 inches wide
Conservation Status Endangered
OriginSoutheast Asia, including Thailand, Malaysia, and southern China
Can You Grow It?Very difficult
Why is Considered Rare?The rare black color of the flower.
Over-exploitation of its natural habitat.

The color of this bloom is the first reason it is deemed rare. Indeed, we get to see very few species of flowers that are truly black. Now, if you’re wondering why this flower is known as the “Black Bat Flower,” look at the picture above. This blossom, with a diameter of 80 cm, resembles a black bat. Also, the flowers have lengthy whiskers that can grow up to 70 cm long.

The Black Bat Flower, mostly found in Southeast Asia, Thailand, Malaysia, and southern China, requires a lot of humidity and water to develop and mature. As a result, it isn’t easy to grow these flowers at home.

It is said that if you look at these bat-shaped flowers for too long, the evil eye will follow you. So, the next time you see Black Bat Flowers, don’t stare at them for too long or become enamored with their “black beauty.”

19. Corpse Flower

25 Beautiful Rare Flowers From Around The World (With Pictures) (19)
Plant TypeHerbaceous flowering plant.
SizeUp to 12 feet tall.
Conservation Status Endangered
OriginIndonesian island of Sumatra.
Can You Grow It?If you have a large greenhouse, you can cultivate the corms easily.
Why is Considered Rare?The flowers bloom every few decades. Furthermore, there are less than 1,000 specimens left in the wild.

Before mentioning anything else about this flower, let us confess, “we are utterly amazed by its gigantic size!” The Corpse Flower is not only one of the world’s rarest flowers, but it also has the foulest odor.

This flower is uncommon since it only blooms every few decades. If we talk about its size, Corpse Flower can grow up to 3.6 meters tall. As a result, it is also renowned as one of the world’s largest blooms. These blooms can only be found in Indonesia’s low-lying jungles.

The lack of roots, leaves, or even a stem is among this flower’s most intriguing features. It also has just one petal, fashioned like a cone, and is both green on the exterior and burgundy red on the inside.

This flower draws flies and carrion beetles due to its unpleasant odor, similar to rotting flesh. Sounds like something you wouldn’t want to grow in your garden, right?

20. The Bamboo Flower

25 Beautiful Rare Flowers From Around The World (With Pictures) (20)
Plant TypeEvergreen perennial flowering plants
Conservation Status Thretened
OriginTropical, sub-tropical, and temperate climates
Can You Grow It?Yes
Why is Considered Rare?Flowers typically bloom infrequently. Bamboo Flowers may take 50 to even 150 years to bloom.

It’s fairly usual to see bamboo plants. However, how many of you have seen bamboo flowers or blossoms? Without a doubt, not many. Bamboo flowers occasionally take up to 50 years to bloom.

In some cases, Bamboo Flowers may bloom only every 150 years. As a result, these blossoms are considered rare. It’s interesting to note that the bamboo tree dies after blossoming.

Did you know the flowering of bamboo plants is seen as a negative omen in many parts of the world?

Note: Over 1700 different bamboo species have been identified so far, and each has a unique flowering schedule and behavior.

21. Flame Lilies

25 Beautiful Rare Flowers From Around The World (With Pictures) (21)
Plant TypeHerbaceous perennial
SizeFlower stalks- up to 8 inches
Tepals- 2-3 inches
Stamens- up to 1 ½ inches
Anthers- up to 2 inches
Conservation Status Endangered in some regions of the world
OriginTropical and southern Africa to Asia.
Can You Grow It?Yes.
Why is Considered Rare?They are on the verge of extinction.

Flame Lilies are not inherently rare, although they are on the verge of extinction in some regions. As a result, we added this flower to our list. This flower, sometimes known as “Fire Lilies,” is Zimbabwe’s national flower.

The name comes from the combination of red, yellow, and orange, which gives them a fiery appearance when they bloom.

This flower belongs to the Colchicaceae family, which has 12 species in Asia, Africa, the Pacific, and Australia. However, Flame Lilies are extremely rare in Sri Lanka and are on the verge of extinction in India. Australia, the Cook Islands, and French Polynesia are just a few nations where flame lilies are considered invasive species.

The fact that these blooms are poisonous should be highlighted. Toxic levels are high enough to result in death. In actuality, the plant’s entire body is dangerous, including the rhizome. Therefore, if you see Flame Lilies in the wild, admire them from a distance.

22. Rafflesia

25 Beautiful Rare Flowers From Around The World (With Pictures) (22)
Plant TypeParasitic flowering plant
SizeUp to 4 feet wide
Conservation Status Critically endangered
OriginSoutheast Asia
Can You Grow It?No
Why is Considered Rare?Due to the loss of habitat and illegal poaching.

We couldn’t miss Rafflesia when writing about beautiful rare flowers worldwide. Indeed this flower is beautiful…and needless to say, huuugggggggeeee!

The world’s largest flower is the Rafflesia. But, as though by chance, the world’s largest flower is also the most smelling. Rafflesias, like Corpse Flowers, have a foul odor. This odor attracts both pollinators and predatory insects and flies. Aside from its size and unpleasant odor, this well-known plant is distinguished by the absence of root systems, stems, and foliage.

Rafflesia takes nine months to mature from seed to pod to blossom. The ultimate enormous blossoms bloom for only a few days.

Rafflesias are unique, with leathery large red petals and white polka dots. These unique blossoms can reach a diameter of 3 feet. In addition, rafflesia plants can grow up to 1 ft tall in miniature forms.

Rafflesia is on the verge of extinction due to biodiversity degradation and trafficking. In addition, these plants are being sold illegally for their medical benefits.

23. The Agave Americana

25 Beautiful Rare Flowers From Around The World (With Pictures) (23)
Plant TypeEvergreen perennial
Size12-25 feet (bloom spike)
Conservation Status Least Concerned
Can You Grow It?Yes
Why is Considered Rare?Rare flowering

Every ten years, the Agave Americana is known to bloom. But sometimes, the plants can even blossom once every 30 years. This unusual blossoming frequency has been included under uncommon flowers worldwide.

It is primarily found in tropical America and is sometimes referred to as “American aloe” and “maguey” in Mexico.

24. Queen of The Andes

25 Beautiful Rare Flowers From Around The World (With Pictures) (24)
Plant TypePerennial succulent
SizeOver 40 feet
Conservation Status Endangered
OriginAndes of Bolivia and Peru
Can You Grow It?Yes
Why is Considered Rare?It can take decades for the plant to bloom. The plant blooms only once in its lifetime.

True to its name, the Queen of Andes is predominantly found in the high Andes mountains in Bolivia and Peru. The “Queen” normally lives for about 100 years and only blooms once; however, it takes decades to do so.

However, it generates millions of seeds and thousands of flowers. This is a suitable addition to the list of uncommon flowers found worldwide.

Due to habitat destruction and significant population declines in the wild, the Queen of the Andes is currently classified as endangered. The harsh and desolate environment that the Queen lives in is one of the main reasons why it takes them so long to produce flowers. After flowering, this plant also perishes.

25. The Kurinji Flower

25 Beautiful Rare Flowers From Around The World (With Pictures) (25)
Plant TypeFlowering shrub
Size25 to 60 cm high (plant size)
Conservation Status Endangered
OriginThe Western Ghats in South India
Can You Grow It?Yes, but not preferred, as the blossoming of this plant is highly unpredictable.
Why is Considered Rare?Since the flower blooms every 12 years.

The last, but definitely not the least, rare flower on our list is the Kurinji flower.

Do you know the name of the plant that gave rise to the name of the Nilgiri Mountain ranges? It is, as you correctly predicted, the Kurinji flower plants.

These plants, also known as Neelakurinji, bloom once every 12 years. And for just this reason, the Kurinji blossom is considered to be “rare.” Most of these plants can be found in colder regions in South Asia and India.

The monsoon season is usually when you may find their flowers. However, it is uncertain when they will bloom because of how unpredictable the monsoons have grown.


What is the rarest flower in the world?

Although experts often seemed to be equivocal, the Middlemis’t Red flower is taken as the rarest flower in the world. It is exclusively available in London and New Zealand.

What is the rarest flower color?

Blue is the rarest flower color.

What is the ugliest flower in the world?

According to botanists, Gastrodia agnicellus is the ugliest flower in the world.

What is the rarest rose?

Juliet Rose is the rarest rose out there.

What is the oldest flower in the world?

The Nanjinganthus dendrostyla is the oldest flower in the world. The flower existed over 174 million years ago.

What are the rare flowers that only grow in one place?

Following are the rare flowers to be found only in one place.

Rafflesia arnoldii
Titan Arum (Corpse flower)
Rothschild’s Slipper Orchid
Cooke’s Kokio
Gibraltar Campion
Queen of the Andes

What is the rarest flower in Animal Crossing?

Golden Rose

What is the most expensive rare flower in the world?

As per our study, the Kadupul Flower is the most expensive rare flower in the world. The Kadupul Flower tops the list of the most costly flowers in the world because it is entirely priceless.

Which is the rarest carnivorous plant in the world?

Nepenthes clipeata is supposedly the most endangered carnivorous plant in the world.

What do you mean by the term “rare flowers?”

A flower can be labeled as a “rare flower” if it meets the requirements listed below.

Extremely rare blooms
Only blossoms in certain circ*mstances
Found only at particular locations
Hardly ever found growing naturally
Possesses a position of vulnerability or endangerment


While we have listed 25 rare flowers here, all of which received the ‘rare’ title due to different reasons, there are multitudes of other flowers that may be just as rare. Thus, it is astounding to conclude that despite this expansive list, many species of flowers are yet to be discovered.

To put that in perspective for you, according to scientists, one-fifth of the world’s plant species are still undiscovered.

However, most of the flowers we listed are extinct in the wild, or endangered, mostly due to humans. We can only satisfy their safety by leaving them untouched, spreading awareness on the same, and hopefully learning a thing or two in the process.

Bonus Read:Consider taking up abackyard landscaping project, while you figure out what rare flower you want to inculcate in your outdoor setting.

25 Beautiful Rare Flowers From Around The World (With Pictures) (2024)


What is the #1 rarest flower in the world? ›

The Middlemist Red flower is probably the rarest flower in the world, and it can only be found in London and New Zealand. The Chinese botanist John Middlemist brought this plant to London in 1804.

What is the number 1 prettiest flower? ›

1. Rose. The rose is considered the most beautiful flower in the world, which is why it's called the “queen of the garden.” It's one of the most popular flowers worldwide, and it comes in different sizes and colors. Also, they're very common throughout the world.

What is the most beautiful flower in the whole world? ›

The Most Beautiful Flowers In The World
  • Iris. The iris flower appears to have been intricately designed by a meticulous creator. ...
  • Lilac. Lilacs are a favourite among many for their enchanting fragrance. ...
  • Water Lily. ...
  • Marigold. ...
  • Orchid. ...
  • Dahlia. ...
  • Bird-Of-Paradise. ...
  • Rose.

What is the rarest prettiest flower? ›

Middlemist's Red (Camellia japonica)

No list of beautiful flowers is complete without a mention of the rarest flower on earth. This small, red camellia may look simple, but only two original live plants of its kind exist—one in New Zealand and one in the UK.

What is the most forgotten flower? ›

A special flower, which until recently, had been forgotten. T he Scabiosa, also known as 'pincushion flower', was grown from seed, had medium size flowers with a delicate stem and grew mostly in blue tones.

Who is the queen of flowers in the world? ›

Rose is the king and queen of flowers. Rose is the oldest flowering plant and it is an ornamental flowering plant. The roses born in June are known as the queen of flowers. It belongs to the family Rosaceae and genus Rosa.

What is the rarest flower? ›

The Middlemist Red Camellia, or Camellia japonica 'Middlemist's Red,' is an exceptionally rare flower with vibrant pinkish-red petals. With only two known living specimens in the world, both located in New Zealand and the United Kingdom, it holds the title of the rarest flowering plant on Earth. 7.

What is the most loved flower? ›

Rose: We had to begin this list with the rose. No other flower is as famous or popular. The rose outshines everything else. One of the biggest reasons for the rose's popularity is its association with love.

What is the most rare and beautiful plant in the world? ›

Let's have a look at the top 10 rare plants found in the world:
  • Nepenthes Tenax. ...
  • Welwitschia. ...
  • Pennantia Baylisiana. ...
  • Amorphophallus Titanum (Titan Arum) ...
  • Ghost Orchid. ...
  • Dragon's Blood Tree. ...
  • Middlemist Red. ...
  • Rothschild's Slipper Orchid.

What is the priceless flower in the world? ›

1. Kadupul Flower (Priceless) This flower is priceless because it is rare and cannot be harvested. Kadupul is a cactus actually, and blossoms only at night.

What is the rarest rose in the world? ›

Blue Rose is the rarest color of rose, you can expect the price of the flower to be higher than other colors. Due to the fact that the blue rose is a unique rare color, it is best to contact your florist well in advance when ordering a bouquet of these mysterious flowers.

What flower is worth more than gold? ›

Back in 17th century Holland, tulips were legendarily worth more than gold. Tulips were originally introduced into Europe from the Ottoman Empire, when the ambassador to the United Provinces (now the Netherlands) sent tulips to Vienna.

What flowers are number 1 in the world? ›

The IFPI (International Federation of the Phonographic Industry) has released its annual ranking of the 10 most-consumed tracks on the planet in the year prior, and one extremely popular tune leads them all. Miley Cyrus' “Flowers” has been named the No. 1 song in the world in 2023.

What flower blooms once every 3000 years? ›

For starters, Udumbara is said to only bloom once every 3,000 years.

Is Black Rose real? ›

Black roses are not naturally occurring in nature and exist due to human intervention: they are extremely darkly shaded. Usually, this is a white or red rose soaked in black dye. You can also find different breeds of black-petaled roses.

What rare flower blooms every 10 years? ›

The titan arum is a flowering plant, native to Indonesia's island of Sumatra. The plant's full bloom only once every seven to ten years. This rare event only lasts 24 to 36 hours.


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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

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Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.